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E-katalog skupiny BLOCK®

Air-tight doors 104.03/А


Tight doors together with casing represent one of the basic elements to constuct clean workplaces and areas with maximum safety, sterility, hygiene, easy maintenance and sanitation in pressure-independent romms.

Tight doors are part of the system components of the installation for rooms with high demands on tightness. These rooms are demandingly tested for tightness of clean rooms as well as for tightness of air-conditioning, especially on the exhaust from the rooms. All outputs from biohazardous areas must be secured against possible leakage of biologically active materials - gaseous, liquid and solid.

These critical systems for the customer must be secured during possible power outages and production downtime.


Product type
Air-tight door

Swing direction

Door dimension

Door frame width
60 mm
52 mm
without door frame

Without indication
with indication on the right on side without hinges SP-OZ
with indication on the right on side of hinges SP-PZ
with indication on the left on side without hinges SL-OZ
with indication on the left on side of hinges SL-PZ
with double-sided indication on the left SP-O/P
with double-sided indication on the right SP-O/P

Inflatable seal activation
Control system

Atypical design
Type design
Atypical design
Type design
0 - Unique specification out of offered versions
Atypical design
Q - atypical design that cannot be uniquely specified by a code