The laminar flow field for operating room are used to create a uniform airflow of specific cleanliness in septic and aseptic operating theatres.
They meet the most stringent hygienic and technical requirements for air filtration.
The use of a laminar flow field helps achieve minimum contamination of airflow during surgery, as bacteria, viruses and dust particles are captured by HEPA filters immediately before they enter the operating theatre through the air conditioning system.
laminar flow fields are connected to the HVAC pipeline supplying pre-filtered air (at least F7 according to ČSN EN 1822) of specific temperature and relative humidity. In the filtration adapters of the lamination field, the air is fine-cleaned to the required class of cleanliness (H12 ÷ H14). Filtration adapters are equipped with HEPA filters, filtration class H14, conforming to the standard ČSN EN 1822. Dispersion diffusers and laminarizators provide outflow uniformity and laminarity of outgoing air with an air flow rate of 0.2 ÷ 0.25 m.s-1. LED lamps with continuous brightness adjustment (dimming) are used for lighting.